
Welcome to Saint Anthony Parish!

I am delighted to have you visit our website to learn more about our parish family and community here at Saint Anthony’s in Florence, SC. We are committed to inviting and supporting every parishioner in their journey to become a disciple of Christ, to building God’s Kingdom through prayer, service and outreach to others in faith.

Since 1871, Saint Anthony Parish has provided a welcoming and prayerful environment for daily and Sunday Mass, various liturgical and diocesan celebrations, celebrations through reception of the Sacraments, as well as many ministry opportunities and community events.

We strive to bring to life the words of our mission:  “As a community of faith, we the members of Saint Anthony Parish are committed to follow Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments, the study of His Word, the teachings of His Church, Evangelization, and through reaching out in service to our fellow human beings, parishioners and non-parishioners, with love, respect, and support.”

We continue to move forward with new technology to improve communication and convenience for our parish families, and have recently offered a new Online Giving program to make it easy to make regular and special offerings to Saint Anthony’s —even from your cell phone!

I pray that you may feel welcomed, find warmth, encouragement and spiritual growth in our parish and I look forward to getting to know you personally in the weeks and months ahead.  Working together, we seek to build a strong parish community where all are included and inspired by the Gospel to live God’s mission with faith, hope and love. May God bless you and your family. Welcome home!

Reverend JohnBosco Duraisamy, Pastor

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May is the Month of Mary for the global Catholic Church! The Church recognizes six formal titles for Mary like "Queen of Heaven" and "Mother of God" but, informally, she has a plethora of other titles like "Our Lady of Queen of Peace." What is your favorite? See MoreSee Less
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MARIAN READINGSMay 6THE ANNUNCIATIONMARY: THE FIRST TABERNACLE"If you seek Mary, you will find Jesus. And you will learn a bit more about what is in the heart of God, who humbles himself, discarding all manifestations of his power and majesty to take the form of a servant. Speaking in human terms, we could say that God outdoes himself, because he goes much further than he needs to go in order to save us. The only way to measure what he does is to say that it cannot be measured; it comes from a madness of love which leads him to take on our flesh and bear the weight of our sins." 12Let us offer to our Mother today:The Angelus recited punctually at noon and with great affection. See MoreSee Less
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